SIP Calculator

Systematic Investment Plan or SIP Calculator is a calculator that helps you better plan your investments in mutual funds. The SIP return calculator lets users plan regular investments, be it weekly, quarterly, monthly, or any other time frame, based on their financial goals.

Calculate the future value of your SIP investment (Please either enter the numeric value in the boxes or use the sliders to select the right amount)

I know the investment amount
I know my goal amount
My Investment Strategy
Monthly Investment
5000 for 5 years
Existing Investment
Rate of Returns
12 %
Maturity Value
By 2027 at the rate of
of inflation

Every drop in the ocean counts!

Start your SIP now!
What is SIP Returns Calculator?
The SIP calculator is a user-friendly tool that lets investors or potential investors know about expected returns on specific mutual fund investments. The calculator helps users make better-informed decisions about their investments.
How to use a SIP Returns Calculator?

One of the main selling points of a SIP calculator is its ease of use. There is a specific formula that works while using a SIP calculator –

M = P* ({[1+i]n-1}/i)* (1+i)

While the formula looks complicated to the naked eye, it is effortless to input it once you understand the specific terms –

  • M stands for the amount one receives upon maturity
  • P means the amount you invest at regular intervals
  • N stands for the number of payments you have made
  • i stands for the periodic rate of interest

Just inputting the following values in a SIP calculator will give you information about expected returns, allowing investors to get an idea of their mutual funds and values.

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A SIP Calculator and a SIP Planner are similar tools that help you calculate the returns you can expect from your SIPs and plan them better to achieve your financial goals. A SIP calculator or SIP Planner takes a set of inputs from a user and projects the expected return that a person can get on a particular mutual fund, allowing them to make informed decisions about their investments, such as when to invest, how much to invest, and how to invest.

A SIP calculator can help you in many ways –

  • It helps an investor understand the returns from a SIP investment
  • It helps them plan their finances better
  • It allows them to set more realistic financial goals
  • It educates people about mutual funds and their benefits.

A SIP returns calculator works on a simple formula

M = P* ({[1+i]n-1}/i)* (1+i)

Where M is the amount received upon maturity, P is the investment amount, N is the number of payments, and I is the interest rate.


There are many advantages to the SIP Calculator –

  • Understand the Power of Compounding: SIP Calculators allow users to understand the importance of compounding and how it maximises gains over a longer timeframe.
  • Invest as much as is needed: A SIP calculator projects your expected return over a specified time frame. You can plan exactly how much you need to invest to achieve your financial goals based on the maturity value.
  • Convenient calculations: SIP is a highly suitable mode of investing. Most users do not have the time or knowledge to invest to the best of their abilities. A SIP calculator lets them quickly understand the return potential of their investments. What’s more, it’s completely online and free.