In a non-discretionary fund, the investment decisions are taken by the client based on the fund manager’s advice, whereas in a discretionary fund, the manager decides on behalf of the client in line with stated objectives.
The biggest advantage of a non-discretionary fund is that you have full control over the choice and timing of investments.
Control: You have full control over your portfolio. You can decide when and which securities to buy or sell, based on your circumstances and needs.
Expertise: Though you decide on the investments, you can still benefit from the expertise of the fund manager, who will make investment recommendations to you.
JM Financial Services Limited brings you a broad selection of PMSes to choose from. Based on your risk-return profile, our relationship manager will recommend funds that work for you. Our robust online platform makes it easy for our clients to track their portfolio.

In non-discretionary PMS, the fund manager will recommend investments, but the investor will take the final decision. Here, the fund manager plays the role of an active advisor, suggesting changes and additions to the portfolio based on market conditions. The investor is then left to decide on executing the trades.
In discretionary PMS, all decisions are taken by the fund manager, while in non-discretionary PMS, the fund manager suggests investment ideas and the investor takes the final decision.
If you have a good understanding of the markets, are willing to put in the time to review, work on your portfolio, and want control of how your investment is managed, then non-discretionary PMS may be right for you.
Get advice from professionals: Benefit from the expertise and experience of professionals who will provide you with ideas and advice on how to manage your portfolio.
Control over investments: While you can benefit from the advice, you can retain control over how you want to invest, because the decision is ultimately yours.